Monday, November 23, 2009

iPhone Touch DJ Released

Touch DJ
Perhaps you are growing tired listening to the same old playlist, or maybe you are growing tired of your same old Apple iPhone Apps. Perhaps you have been sitting on a bus, or heard a song on the radio and had that Eureka moment, when you realize, yes you, can improve a song, and even, make a new one by mixing it with another. Well now you have a chance to do exactly that. For $19.99 (£15), you can download the new Touch DJ Program App from Amidio, and have a go at mixing some tunes from the comfort of your iPhone.

The whole thing revolves around “visual mixing” which involves a lot of tapping and sliding, but with a bit of practice the following effects can be achieved:

  • Looping
  • Scratching
  • Positioning
  • Equalization
  • Effects and pitching

Though you will not get the same results from hi-tech DJ Equipment, you can carry it in your pocket, is considerably cheaper, and if you are truly rubbish at it, you will not have wasted immense amounts of money. It is also more portable than a drum kit.

The flaw with the App, is that you can not import songs from your iTunes library straight into it, but instead, you have to reload them into the App’s library, which seems a little daft. Also the fact that you can't hear the next song your going to mix since your headphone jack is being used as the main output.

Still, for a bit of mixing fun, or indeed a new single, the Touch DJ Program App is both unique and appealing in equal measure.

Traditionally iPhone and iPod Touch have only one stereo audio output which broadens the possibility of using them as a DJ device. Touch DJ overcomes this limitation by offering innovative and unique way of deejaying which doesn't require additional headphones for prelistening to the tracks. This technology is called "visual mixing" and it implies the graphic display of the track waveforms next to each other. The low-bass (kick) parts are detected and rendered in different color compared to the rest sonic frequencies, making beatmatching as easy as adjusting the tracks position and pitch so that the kick parts become visually matched.

As an alternative for the users who really need to prelisten to the tracks, Touch DJ also offers a second "Split" mode of mixing which requires the usage of a special l/r splitting adapter. Among extra features - LP filter FX for each track, vinyl Spin and Break effects, onboard sampler with 3 sample slots (accepts .WAV files) and the ability to record samples via the microphone. As a bonus, Touch DJ is shipped with 25 dance tracks provided by

Touch DJ is available at the AppStore worldwide for $19.99.

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